A Class Asbestos Clearances
For anyone that doesn't know the process on Asbestos Clearances. Asbestos that is considered "A Class" is Asbestos that can become or has become friable easily, for example textured ceilings, vinyl flooring, asbestos insulation/lagging, AIB, fire damaged ACM etc. An A class clearance is more extensive than a B class clearance.
When an Asbestos removal company is removing friable Asbestos they need to create an enclosure consisting of 2 layers of 200 micron polythene with running negative pressure units, a full 3 stage decontamination unit with running water etc. Our final clearance report is made up in stages, which includes:
integrity Testing Enclosures |
Vinyl Removal Clearance |
Ceiling Removal Clearance |
fire damaged
AIB removal
Sprayed Insulation
©2017 Asbestos Consultants Ltd | Website by Whitfield Consulting - Website edited by A O'Keeffe